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Carly and James / Holbrook Engagement Shoot

Having recently re-located back to Carly’s home of Derbyshire from Eastbourne, the bride and groom to be thought it’d be nice to have a little explore around their new village of Holbrook for their engagement shoot session.

At the end of the session we headed back to their new home for a few more shots with their dog Lola. Well we couldn’t have her feeling left out! And with that face how could she not be included in the shoot?! (Look out for her in Carly and James’s wedding photos too, she’ll be there on the day, yay! Have I mentioned I love animals at weddings?)


PINIMAGEPINIMAGEHolbrook Derbyshire Engagement ShootPINIMAGEPINIMAGEPINIMAGEPINIMAGEPINIMAGEPINIMAGEHolbrook Derbyshire Engagement ShootPINIMAGEHolbrook Derbyshire Engagement ShootPINIMAGEHolbrook Derbyshire Engagement ShootPINIMAGEPINIMAGEPINIMAGEPINIMAGEPINIMAGEholbrook engagement shoot derbyshire by becky ryan photographyPINIMAGEholbrook engagement shoot derbyshire by becky ryan photographyPINIMAGEholbrook engagement shoot derbyshire by becky ryan photographyPINIMAGEholbrook engagement shoot derbyshire by becky ryan photographyPINIMAGEPINIMAGEPINIMAGEPINIMAGEholbrook engagement shoot derbyshire by becky ryan photographyPINIMAGEholbrook engagement shoot derbyshire by becky ryan photographyPINIMAGEPINIMAGEholbrook engagement shoot derbyshire by becky ryan photographyPINIMAGE

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