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Dating Profile Photography Derbyshire


Dating Profile Photography Midlands DerbyshirePINIMAGERyan got in touch with me recently looking for a portrait photographer.  He wanted someone to help him with some natural photographs to represent himself with online and on his dating profiles because he felt he ‘couldn’t photograph himself at all’, something I think a lot of people would relate to!

“At first I was nervous, I didn’t know what to expect as I had not done it before. However I was quickly introduced to it and thoroughly enjoyed myself! …They are brill thank you!”

It’s refreshing that more and more people are investing in their online profiles to meet people, it shows that they are taking it seriously, and why not put your best self out there rather than a quick selfie shot that doesn’t represent yourself and your energy?

He had commented on saying he struggles with taking a natural looking smiling shot of himself so we made sure to get lots of those, and I feel like we achieved it, no awkward smiles here! I’m happy to report that since updating from the old rather serious faced selfie to Ryan’s new shot representing his real personality he’s getting ‘plenty of likes flooding in’!

Here’s a mix of shots from his session…

Prices start from £175 for a 1 hour profile photography session on location.  For more information just get in touch!

Dating Profile Photography Midlands DerbyshirePINIMAGE

Dating Profile Photography Midlands DerbyshirePINIMAGEPINIMAGE

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