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Emma and Gary A Tarantino Themed Rock Bar Wedding – Sneak Peek

This. Wedding. Was. AWESOME

Just check out the gorgeous colours! Emma and Gary chose to theme their wedding around their shared love of Tarantino films, and Emma brought her love of pin up vintage style to her own look for the day and for her bridal party. They held their wedding day at the place where they first met (how cool is that?!), Rebellion, a rock bar in Manchester. Here are some previews from their day, I can’t wait to share the full blog post for this wedding with you guys!

rebellion bar manchester weddingPINIMAGEpin up bridesmaids manchester weddingPINIMAGErebellion bar manchester weddingPINIMAGEtarantino themed manchester weddingPINIMAGEtarantino themed manchester weddingPINIMAGEbecky ryan photography - alternative wedding photography_6216PINIMAGEtarantino themed weddingPINIMAGEtarantino themed weddingPINIMAGEpin up bridesmaids manchester weddingPINIMAGErebellion bar manchester weddingPINIMAGE

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