Although my year ended at a very low point, losing my beloved Nana, I am so thankful for a successful year for my photography. My Nana was a lovely woman and someone I’d been very close to all my life, always keen to know how I was getting on with my art and photography and wanting to show support, and I know she was proud of me for this year, and would have been proud for what’s looking to be a very busy year already for 2014.
I thought I’d do a blog post with some of my favourite shots from the year, I hope you enjoy looking through them (click ‘Read More’!).
Thank you to the lovely clients that I worked with this year, and to those getting married in 2014, I’ll see you soon!
If you enjoyed looking through my images do please bare me in mind if any of you or any of our friends are ever looking for a photographer 🙂