Here are the final set of images from our time in Los Angeles. In this post we visit Warner Bros Studios, Disneyland the Hollywood Museum, and Santa Monica!
Next stop, Las Vegas!
(for Los Angeles Part 1 please click here!)
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Here are the final set of images from our time in Los Angeles. In this post we visit Warner Bros Studios, Disneyland the Hollywood Museum, and Santa Monica!
Next stop, Las Vegas!
(for Los Angeles Part 1 please click here!)
A bit of a mix of personal and work now really, Dimension Jump XIX, the 19th Red Dwarf fan club convention!
I went to the convention back in 2004 as a fan, and it was beyond awesome to return this month, still of course as a fan, but also to help the team with photo coverage, and also, excitedly, get to shoot some portraits of the actors themselves. The only thing that had really changed was the scale, it was a smaller event the year we went, and also the amount of attendees in full costume. It was impressive to see so many cosplayers in their wonderful costumes, and with around 50 entrants into the regular Fancy Dress competition on Saturday night the judges had a tough decision.
Dimension Jump is a weekend event (starting Friday evening running through till early evening Sunday) held at a hotel and hosting hundreds of Red Dwarf fans for cast Q&As, autograph signing sessions, games and more.
It’s a tightly run ship with limited free time for those involved so the portraits had to be taken in just a couple of minutes, but here are the results. My little captures of some of the stars of one of my all time favourite shows, Chris Barrie, Robert Llewellyn, Danny John Jules and Hattie Hayridge. 10 year old Becky never would have dreamt that her work would lead her to working with these people she loved, feeling pretty darn lucky!
For more information on Dimension Jump head to
So in March the mister and I flew across the pond for the first time for two weeks in America. It was wonderful! I’m not a fan of flying so it took a bit of time to get on board with the idea despite having always wanted to go to America, but it was definitely worth it. I thought I’d share some holiday shots with you guys again as I did with our little Europe roadtrip. The first stop was LA but as we were there for longer than anywhere else I also took way more photos there so I’m gonna split it over two posts. This one will cover Griffith Park, a bit of Hollywood’s Chinese Theatre, Madame Tussaud’s Hollywood, Universal Studios and some random street shots from around Los Angeles.
(Coming up in Los Angeles part II, Disneyland, Warner Bros Studio Tour, The Hollywood Museum and Santa Monica!)
As usual, all images copyright Becky Ryan Photography, please do not use without permission.
Well this was rather awesome.
In March I was able to shoot this stunning pair, Sarah and Justus. Recently marking their 3 year anniversary of being together, they had a couple shoot session in downtown Las Vegas. I can’t imagine it’ll surprise you guys to know that this super stylish couple both work for hair salons in Vegas. Sarah is in charge of marketing for a beauty salon specialising in vintage styles and models as a pin up girl, while Justus is a hair stylist himself at a separate Vegas salon and also dabbles in modelling.
It was so cool to get to hangout out with these guys one sunny afternoon in Vegas and get to explore the downtown area for some suitably colourful and quirky backdrops for their session. Thanks for being my first overseas couple Sarah and Justus!
Las Vegas was fabulous, it’d be incredible to shoot a wedding there some day!